Sunday, December 28, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
2nd tooth is in!
aunt anna just noticed that sayan's 2nd tooth broke through! so he got his two front (bottom) teeth for christmas :)
Friday, December 26, 2008
more christmas pics at...
(just copy and paste the above link, even though it all doesn't show it will all copy)
(just copy and paste the above link, even though it all doesn't show it will all copy)
Monday, December 22, 2008
snow bunny
catching up with friends
when we got home from our 3 week extended holiday sayan couldn't wait to catch up his old pals gecko and toucan on his adventures
uncle matthew
out to lunch
while in jackson sayan tried out restaurant high chairs for the first time. he really liked the independence and seemed to enjoy participating in the group as an "equal" rather than being "babied" on our lap.
a bit of national geographic
christmas carols
i had set sayan in his exersaucer and he usually makes a racket banging toys around and jabbering but i realized he'd been totally quiet for a few minutes and when i looked over he had turned 180 degrees so he faced our big speaker and was gazing at it listening to the music. he was listening just standing quietly for a while before i decided to get some video (extended 3 part version for the die-hards).
Sunday, December 21, 2008
rolling over!
sayan rolled over today for his first time on a hard surface! a couple of days ago he rolled over 3 times on the bed but today was his first start-to-finish by himself on the floor.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
sitting up
sayan was pretty mellow after waking up one morning, checking out his toes and then trying to sit up
so i sat him up and he's doing pretty well sitting unsupported but definitely still needs a soft landing area for when he topples over
so i sat him up and he's doing pretty well sitting unsupported but definitely still needs a soft landing area for when he topples over
baking cookies
a few days ago we made cookies all together and every time we'd try to put sayan down he'd whine to be picked up again so he could help. he was very involved in cookie time.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
first tooth?!
we think sayan cut his first tooth today! you can just see the tip that broke through the gums, his bottom right front tooth. he's been a little delicate today, sleeping lots, but generally still in good spirits though he keeps rubbing everything he can on that tooth. we'll see if we can get a picture tomorrow. oh, more confirmation: nursing hurts!!! well, just when he bites and scrapes his tooth on me.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
laughing out loud
sayan is starting to squeal and laugh out loud when he is tickled or in anticipation of being tickled. he's even starting to laugh loudly when he thinks something is funny like a silly face or noise that we make. it is sooooooo cute!!!
my turn!
still no luck with the bottle or sippy cup but sayan is obsessed with trying to drink out of the glasses and water bottles that we drink out of. whenever we pick up a glass or even open the fridge and he sees a water bottle he reaches for it. so we tried to get him to drink out of this cup--- most ended on his shirt but he got a little down!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
morning lullaby
sayan developed a fever last night -- he was pretty uncomfortable and would give these pitiful little moans that just broke our heart, but he slept remarkably well and woke up this morning bright eyed. he still has a bit of a fever but his spirits are better...
Monday, November 17, 2008
little boy, big noises
sayan has his first cold, but he's been in remarkably good spirits if a little more delicate. i guess we are completely obsessed as we think even his snoring is cute!!! (this post is more audio than visual)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
the good life

Saturday, November 8, 2008
sippy cup
we are trying to introduce sayan to the sippy cup as he can't/won't take a bottle, its physically awkward for him and he ends up really frustrated. our physician thinks a sippy cup may be easier, she said 25% of breastfed babies have problems with a bottle. so far he likes the cup much more than the bottle though he's swallowed none to very little of the water. we're trying for a few minutes each day just to get him familiar and every day he does better. this video was taken on his second try and he's already much more comfortable with it. everyone cross your fingers he takes to the cup so mommy can do things like gym and haircut (and maybe... some day... a movie?!).
sayan is starting to have preferred toys and this little bumblebee is his current favorite.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
pie plate
sayan seems to really like our blue and white dessert plates. i was eating my toast on one this morning and as soon as sayan saw it he immediately grabbed for it and started pushing it around. and at lunch he did the same thing. as soon as i set the plate in front of Auntie C sayan looked at it, dropped his rattle and lunged for the plate. i don't know if it's the contrast of the color that is appealing or if it's because big person food is on it? he has been fascinated by all things culinary these days. he loves cooking and cleaning up the kitchen with us, and sitting on our lap as we eat our meals.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
sayan's teething toy last night wasn't nearly as much fun as his teething toy this afternoon!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
play group
we went to play group for the second time today-- it's really good for sayan, he learns so much from the other kids and gets inspired to do more things. most of the other kids are 1 1/2 years old but there is one girl who is 10 months and crawling around and sayan really checks her out. two little boys were tossing a ball back and forth and sayan LOVED watching the ball, he made his "i want" noises and kind of reached for them and so i set him on the floor and he really tried to crawl over to them. so i guess he just needs motivation!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
tummy time
sayan has not been a huge fan of tummy time but recently he is getting more into it. now his grunts are more of focus and exertion then frustration. he's getting better at pushing himself up using his arms (as opposed to just the strength of his back). the other day he actually did a crawling motion during his abhyanga. i had flipped him onto his tummy to get his back and all of a sudden he pushed himself up and moved his arm and leg in coordination to scoot accross the towel. it was so cool seeing him get down the leg/arm motion! though i have a feeling a few months from now it may not be "so cool" as he crawls away during his aby!
sayan's new thing is to grab and aggressively explore our faces. he very intently looks at each part of a face as he pokes and prods and hits and pats and tugs different areas. we try to tell him what he is touching but it's kind of tricky when he has his fist in your mouth!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
mirror mirror
mimi introduced sayan to himself this morning. we often take him in front of the mirror but today was the first time he really got it and understood that it was him there. or so we think! :)
Friday, October 17, 2008
grabbing and holding
well i've been trying to upload video of sayan holding and playing with his rattle but it won't take... anyway, last weekend for the first time sayan consciously held and played with his rattle for almost 5 minutes! since then he's been so much more aware of his hands and what they can do. he reaches for things and loves to experience different textures. it's so amazing to see his development and how much he is changing each day.
the swing
new favorite activity... the swing!!! sayan received it as a gift and it has completely revolutionized our household. now mommy and daddy can do things!!!! sayan will happily sit in the swing for hours either talking to his little gecko/toucan friends or sleeping.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
talk to me, bunnies!
sayan is still completely captivated by his bunnies. we've noticed he sometimes talks more to his little inanimate friends than to us!
sayan's (great grandmother) nana
sayan's nana visited him a couple of weeks ago. he loved spending time with her, sleeping on her and playing and talking to her.

he has changed so much in these last weeks, really become a little man. he is so smiley and interactive most of the time but he definitely has a temper. if things aren't going his way he will let you know it! but once you adjust to his preferred activity then life is roses...
Friday, September 26, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
sayan's new ride
more morning playtime
mornings are really our favorite time-- we could spend hours in bed playing with him. it was so great, he recognized me fully the other morning! i was sleeping and jai brought him in to nurse and i sat up in bed and as we made eye contact he got this huge grin on his face and laughed and reached out his arms! i completely melted. this is from a few days ago...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
morning play time
mornings are sayan's favorite play time. he usually wakes up between 6 and 7 and wants to play til around 10 when he falls asleep again. we discovered his desire for morning play time a couple of weeks ago-- jai usually takes sayan sometime between 4 and 7 so i can have some "uninterrupted" sleep. before a couple of weeks ago sayan would be happy just snuggled up with daddy and jai could sleep or meditate. one morning sayan started pre-fussing and jai kept trying to burp him and get him more comfy and finally i had the thought that sayan might be bored cause he was totally awake and not content to just be held. so jai took him into the sitting room and sure enough sayan immediately perked up. and over the past couple weeks morning play time has gotten more and more interactive. at first he'd respond most to being shown things like his mobile or activity toys or a tour of the house (we feel like tour guides a lot of the time: and these are the dishes, see the big bowls and the small bowls how they have blue on them? and here are the cups, see the tall glasses and the short glasses with the dragonflies? but he loves house tours). now though he loves just talking and physically playing with us. and he has started laughing... it's incredible.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
sayan is getting more and more independent! he spent almost 2 hours (total not in one stretch) in his little chair today watching us cook and clean up and do other odds and ends. it was so incredible to be able to move about and do stuff! and he looked so cute just mellow and checking us out. i would talk to him and explain everything i was doing which he seemed to like...
i want to update the blog with more pics and video but my hard drive is completely full and i can't import any other media and i don't have the time to clean it up. i keep deleting little things here and there but it immediately maxes again so it may be a few more days before i can figure out a way to get new material onto my computer and uploaded.
i want to update the blog with more pics and video but my hard drive is completely full and i can't import any other media and i don't have the time to clean it up. i keep deleting little things here and there but it immediately maxes again so it may be a few more days before i can figure out a way to get new material onto my computer and uploaded.
Friday, August 29, 2008
SAYAN SLEPT FOR 6 CONSECUTIVE HOURS LAST NIGHT!!! from 8:30 - 2:30. i can't believe it! soooo exciting! yay sayan!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
new friends

the mullenneaux/martlins were in town last week and sayan loved spending time with them. he has only recently started to connect with people (mostly just jaison) but ella wanted to hold sayan and we put him on her lap and he gazed up at her with total awareness and almost adoration. he was cooing and smiling and almost laughing at times. a definite karmic connection there. so cute to see! and nayan was adorable with him, he kept "petting the baby", gently touching him on the top of the head. when the kids were together they were all so fascinated with each other and on their best behavior, so much so that we realized we should have gotten them together sooner!
possible outie
so sayan has an umbilical hernia-- which sounds much worse than it is. a few weeks ago we noticed that his belly button was starting to be poofy (see the bath video) and when we pressed it back in it made a funny bubbling noise. we took him to his pediatrician who said he has an umbilical hernia and that it's extremely common. apparently it's a predisposition of the intestine to pop out into the belly button and many cases naturally heal within 12 months but if it doesn't then the belly button turns into an "outie". i always thought it was how the cord was tied that determined that but nope, it's dependent on if that baby had an umbilical hernia. it looks like it must be really painful but our doctor said it isn't at all. the good news is that we took him in for a check up today and the doctor said the internal gap has started to close up and is healing!
bath with daddy

sayan had his first bath in the big tub the other day. he really loved it-- it was so cute, as soon as we put him in his eyes got really big and he was super still and looking all around. then he settled in and relaxed and now he takes a bath with one of us most of the time rather than in his little tub-- which he has almost outgrown! i'll upload a video of his bath also.
bunny love

growing up so fast!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
home sweet home
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
getting chubby!

music man
so it seems as though sayan really likes music. in general, whenever we sing to him he gets super still with big eyes. on our way to washington on monday for his check-up he was contentedly staring out the window, alertly taking in the outside of the car for the first time. then at about brighton he started fussing and then screaming for several minutes. we decided to turn on music and jai put on "angel" by sarah mclachlan and after 10 seconds he completely stopped crying and sat there with big eyes. as the song ended he started fidgeting again and we were terrified that he would start up again so jai kept hitting repeat all the way to the doctor's...
Monday, August 11, 2008
social bunny
well we had our FF debut yesterday. christen and i walked with sayan to the golden dome market to get a few things and ended up seeing half of FF. i have to say that the ladies definitely love him!!! he was like a magnet, we never had less than 4 people paying homage to our little man.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
my heart
my heart is growing more and more full with every day that passes. and that fullness seeps into every cell until my entire being is pulsing with love for my sayan. we are so blessed.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
tummy time
we try to put sayan on his tummy for 5-10 minutes every day. it's sposed to develop his strength and crawling coordination. he has super powerful legs, if we put our hand behind his legs he pushes forward and scoots along. we'll try to get some video of that too.
Friday, August 8, 2008
daddy time

sayan is most alert and expressive when he is with his daddy. jaison has a way of inspiring connections and communication that no one else does and sayan loves looking at and interacting with daddy. jai tells sayan stories and sings to him and sayan eats it up and responds. it's the most fulfilling experience to watch them together. i love my men!!!
Auntie Christen
Thursday, August 7, 2008
morning eyes

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