Wednesday, February 18, 2009

more play


sayan received a little drum as a gift and enjoys playing with it-- he especially likes the red tassle on the drum stick.

play with mimi

mommy's birthday


sayan is getting more comfortable in the "crawl position", though he just kind of hangs out there til his arms give out. it's pretty cute.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009


4 teeth almost 5

his top two are now in and looks like another bottom right is on its way!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

crinkle crinkle

sayan loves things that crinkle. i'm trying to teach him that most of the plastic crinkley is not for eating but just to play with. in general he's pretty good about not putting it in his mouth when i tell him not to, which is saying something since most everything goes in the mouth!


just a clip

sayan was telling me a story but as soon as i got out the camera he stopped and just looked at me for minutes...

mr. no-nap

yesterday sayan refused to nap-- he'd doze for a few minutes during feedings but every time i'd lay him down his eyes would pop open. he seemed content to just lay in bed talking to himself so i'd leave him in the hopes he'd drift off but no! he finally took a nap at 5:00.


sayan is loving his zucchini. we try to feed him every day but it's ended up every other day which is i guess good, breaking his digestion in easy. he keeps trying to feed himself with the spoon. maybe we'll give him a short spoon so he can try.

sitting, rolling over

sayan is doing better and better with sitting up unsupported. he can go for long periods now sitting and even reach for toys and then balance his way back up. i have a really cute video of his playing with the toys from this basket but it was so charming to watch him i forgot to stop the video and it's too big for my tecnhically challenged self to post. so this is the tail end of his playtime time when he tipped over...

3 teeth!

top right tooth broke through! this has been a painful one, he's been pretty cranky and out of sorts for about 10 days but hopefully we've turned the corner.