Monday, August 24, 2009


well i guess sayan has decided to sign after all! we've been doing a few basic signs with him since he was 6 months old but he never really showed that he even knew what we were doing and i've gotten pretty lazy about doing them in the last couple of months thinking he was just going to pass on signing but then about a week ago, out of the blue, he pulled on my shirt (which usually means he wants to nurse) and then did the sign for "milkies"!! (what we call nursing) it was sooo astonishing! he has been signing for milkies now a few times a day and then a couple of days ago he did the sign for "more". so i am redoubling my signing efforts :)

1 comment:

G. said...

Yay! We had the same experience, didn't think Lillian was paying attention at all. He'll really start to pick up on the signing now that he's realized that it works. Just wait, he'll be signing all over the place.