Monday, January 23, 2012


Just turned 3 1/2 and already he knows exactly how to manipulate me-- and more to the point I completely allow it.

After nap today (post on naps to follow) he was very cranky but that's nothing unusual. Between 3 and 4/5 is usually the witching hour, nap or no. Anyway today he was more fussy than usual and I thought he felt a little warm so I suggested we read in bed for "just a bit" then go about the rest of our afternoon.

This is how we ended up 20 minutes later:

Gaging by the pile of books I have somehow committed to I guess errands will be postponed til another day.

And he is happily chowing down:

"Mommy this is a yummy snack!! Come, come I wanna cuuuuuddle with you! I'm gonna save these snacks so I can eat them with You..."

I'm off to eat pear slices in bed with my not-so-sick little moo.

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