Sunday, May 31, 2009


daddy took sayan last night-- ALL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! we are going to try to night wean him so he sleeps better (and we sleep better) and so i went and slept in the other room thinking he might come in at any minute if it got too bad but i woke up to the sunrise this morning and couldn't believe he had done it. yay daddy!! he said sayan woke up 4-5 times and was fussy, crying outright at times but he would give him a sip of water and a chamomille pill to suck on. he said he talked to him and explained what was going on and that seemed to calm sayan down enough for him to sing/rock him to sleep. i'm not sure if we'll try this consistently now or wait til he's a year old to really start but at least i got a full night's sleep. wow.

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