Saturday, June 13, 2009


it seems like sayan is learning new things every day. he has been saying "yeah, yes" in response to us. not sure if he is fully aware of what he is saying, it could just be his way of acknowledging that we are talking to him. though we will ask if he wants to turn the page and he'll say "yes" and turn it. or we'll ask if he wants to go for a walk or drink some water, "yeah, yes". he also has been saying "mamamamama" and we think he's associating it with me though there isn't a clear "mama" with a reach for me.

sayan is super active these days, very steady on his feet though when we let go of him to stand alone he'll only stay up for a second or two before he lowers himself down. he's crawling everywhere, really enjoying exploring on his own. he pulls himself up on everything (walls included) and only needs to balance one hand or his legs or something.

night time has gotten much smoother too (though i'm scared to write anything i don't want to jinx it!). ever since he had that one night with daddy he's been waking up to nurse only once or twice a night. which is such a difference from every two hours! he may wake up more than once or twice but if i pat him he usually falls right back to sleep. or, the funniest thing is when he sits straight up in bed, says "yes" then keels forward and goes back to sleep!

he has started feeding me recently. it started with food from his high chair tray, he would give me raisins or little pieces of apple or veggies that he had. but now it has progressed to any time he is around food with a spoon he takes it and offers it into my mouth. so sweet!

oh, and thanks for the straw suggestion again gen, he finally understands and will drink from a straw now. he's pretty proud of himself when he does it.

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